Leituras 🇧🇷
Deus lhes fará justiça bem depressa.
Primeira Leitura: 3 João 5-8
Leitura da terceira carta de São João – 5Caríssimo Gaio, é muito leal o teu proceder, agindo assim com teus irmãos, ainda que estrangeiros. 6Eles deram testemunho da tua caridade diante da Igreja. Farás bem em provê-los para a viagem de um modo digno de Deus. 7Pois, por amor do Nome, eles empreenderam a viagem, sem aceitar nada da parte dos pagãos. 8A nós, portanto, cabe acolhê-los, para sermos cooperadores da verdade. – Palavra do Senhor.
Salmo Responsorial: 111(112)
Feliz aquele que respeita o Senhor!
1. Feliz o homem que respeita o Senhor / e que ama com carinho a sua lei! / Sua descendência será forte sobre a terra, / abençoada a geração dos homens retos! – R.
2. Haverá glória e riqueza em sua casa, / e permanece para sempre o bem que fez. / Ele é correto, generoso e compassivo, / como luz brilha nas trevas para os justos. – R.
3. Feliz o homem caridoso e prestativo, / que resolve seus negócios com justiça. / Porque jamais vacilará o homem reto, / sua lembrança permanece eternamente! – R.
Evangelho: Lucas 18,1-8
Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo Lucas – Naquele tempo, 1Jesus contou aos discípulos uma parábola, para mostrar-lhes a necessidade de rezar sempre e nunca desistir, dizendo: 2“Numa cidade havia um juiz que não temia a Deus e não respeitava homem algum. 3Na mesma cidade havia uma viúva, que vinha à procura do juiz, pedindo: ‘Faze-me justiça contra o meu adversário!’ 4Durante muito tempo, o juiz se recusou. Por fim, ele pensou: ‘Eu não temo a Deus e não respeito homem algum. 5Mas essa viúva já me está aborrecendo. Vou fazer-lhe justiça, para que ela não venha agredir-me!'” 6E o Senhor acrescentou: “Escutai o que diz esse juiz injusto. 7E Deus não fará justiça aos seus escolhidos, que dia e noite gritam por ele? Será que vai fazê-los esperar? 8Eu vos digo que Deus lhes fará justiça bem depressa. Mas o Filho do Homem, quando vier, será que ainda vai encontrar fé sobre a terra?” – Palavra da salvação.
Tracing the sign of the cross on you and your family, say: Bless us, Lord God who is † Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we may always live in Your love and doing only good to all. Amen!
Readings 🇺🇸
God will do them justice very quickly.
First Reading: 3 John 5-8
Reading from the third letter of Saint John – 5Dearest Gaio, your behavior is very loyal, acting in this way with your brothers, even if they are foreigners. 6They bore witness to your charity before the Church. You will do well to provide for them for the journey in a way worthy of God. 7For for the name's sake they set out on the journey, accepting nothing from the heathen. 8It is up to us, therefore, to welcome them, so that we may cooperate in the truth. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 111(112)
Happy is he who respects the Lord!
1. Happy is the man who respects the Lord / and who loves his law dearly! / His offspring shall be strong in the earth, / blessed the generation of upright men! - R.
2. he There will be glory and riches in his house, / and the good he has done remains forever. / He is upright, generous and compassionate, / as light shines in darkness for the righteous. - R.
3. Happy is the charitable and obliging man, / Who settles his affairs justly. / For the upright man will never waver, / his remembrance remains forever! - R.
Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke - At that time, 1 Jesus told his disciples a parable, to show them the need to pray always and never give up, saying: 2 " In a city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect man. any. 3 In the same town there was a widow, who came looking for the judge, asking, 'Give me justice against my opponent!' 4 For a long time the judge refused. Finally, he thought, 'I do not fear God and I do not respect any man. 5But this widow is already bothering me. I will give her justice, so that she will not come and attack me!'” 6And the Lord added, “Listen to what this unjust judge says. 7And will not God do justice to his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will it make them wait? 8I tell you that God will do them justice very quickly. But the Son of Man, when he comes, will he still find faith on earth?” – Word of salvation.
Tracing the sign of the cross on you and your family, say: Bless us, Lord God who is † Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we may always live in Your love and doing only good to all. Amen!
Letture 🇮🇹
God will do them justice very quickly.
First Reading: 3 John 5-8
Reading from the third letter of Saint John – 5Dearest Gaio, your behavior is very loyal, acting in this way with your brothers, even if they are foreigners. 6They bore witness to your charity before the Church. You will do well to provide for them for the journey in a way worthy of God. 7For for the name's sake they set out on the journey, accepting nothing from the heathen. 8It is up to us, therefore, to welcome them, so that we may cooperate in the truth. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 111(112)
Happy is he who respects the Lord!
1. Happy is the man who respects the Lord / and who loves his law dearly! / His offspring shall be strong in the earth, / blessed the generation of upright men! - R.
2. he There will be glory and riches in his house, / and the good he has done remains forever. / He is upright, generous and compassionate, / as light shines in darkness for the righteous. - R.
3. Happy is the charitable and obliging man, / Who settles his affairs justly. / For the upright man will never waver, / his remembrance remains forever! - R.
Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke - At that time, 1 Jesus told his disciples a parable, to show them the need to pray always and never give up, saying: 2 " In a city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect man. any. 3 In the same town there was a widow, who came looking for the judge, asking, 'Give me justice against my opponent!' 4 For a long time the judge refused. Finally, he thought, 'I do not fear God and I do not respect any man. 5But this widow is already bothering me. I will give her justice, so that she will not come and attack me!'” 6And the Lord added, “Listen to what this unjust judge says. 7And will not God do justice to his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will it make them wait? 8I tell you that God will do them justice very quickly. But the Son of Man, when he comes, will he still find faith on earth?” – Word of salvation.
Tracciando il segno della croce su di te e sulla tua famiglia, dì: Benedicici, Signore Dio che è † Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, affinché viviamo sempre nel tuo amore e facendo solo del bene a tutti. Amen!
Lecturas 🇪🇸
Dios les hará justicia muy pronto.
Primera Lectura: 3 Juan 5-8
Lectura de la tercera carta de San Juan – 5 Querido Gaio, tu comportamiento es muy leal, actuando de esta manera con tus hermanos, aunque sean extranjeros. 6Dieron testimonio de tu caridad ante la Iglesia. Harás bien en proveerles para el camino de una manera digna de Dios. 7Por causa del nombre se pusieron en camino, sin aceptar nada de los paganos. 8De nosotros depende, pues, acogerlos, para que cooperemos en la verdad. - Palabra del Señor.
Salmo responsorial: 111(112)
¡Feliz el que respeta al Señor!
1. ¡Dichoso el hombre que respeta al Señor / y que ama mucho su ley! / Su simiente será fuerte en la tierra, / ¡bendita sea la generación de los hombres rectos! - r
2. Habrá gloria y riquezas en su casa, / y el bien que ha hecho permanece para siempre. / Él es recto, generoso y compasivo, / como la luz que brilla en las tinieblas para los justos. - r
3. Feliz es el hombre caritativo y complaciente, / Quien arregla sus asuntos con justicia. / Porque el hombre recto nunca vacila, / ¡su recuerdo permanece para siempre! - r
Evangelio: Lucas 18:1-8
Proclamación del Evangelio de Jesucristo según Lucas - En aquel tiempo, 1 Jesús contó una parábola a sus discípulos, para mostrarles la necesidad de orar siempre y nunca desmayar, diciendo: 2 “Había en una ciudad un juez que no temía a Dios y no respetaba al hombre. 3 En el mismo pueblo había una viuda, que vino a buscar al juez, pidiéndole: “¡Hazme justicia contra mi oponente!” 4 Por mucho tiempo el juez se negó. Finalmente, pensó: 'No temo a Dios y no respeto a ningún hombre. 5Pero esta viuda ya me está molestando. ¡Le haré justicia, para que no venga y me ataque!'” 6Y el Señor agregó: “Escuchen lo que dice este juez injusto. 7 ¿Y no hará Dios justicia a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche? ¿Los hará esperar? 8Os digo que Dios les hará justicia muy pronto. Pero cuando venga el Hijo del hombre, ¿encontrará todavía fe en la tierra? – Palabra de salvación.
Trazando la señal de la cruz sobre ti y tu familia, di: Bendícenos, Señor Dios que es † Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, para que vivamos siempre en Tu amor y haciendo sólo el bien a todos. ¡Amén!
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