Leituras 🇧🇷
Quem acolheu os meus mandamentos e os observa, esse me ama.
Primeira Leitura: Atos 8,5-8.14-17
Leitura dos Atos dos Apóstolos – Naqueles dias, 5Filipe desceu a uma cidade da Samaria e anunciou-lhes o Cristo. 6As multidões seguiam com atenção as coisas que Filipe dizia. E todos unânimes o escutavam, pois viam os milagres que ele fazia. 7De muitos possessos saíam os espíritos maus, dando grandes gritos. Numerosos paralíticos e aleijados também foram curados. 8Era grande a alegria naquela cidade. 14Os apóstolos, que estavam em Jerusalém, souberam que a Samaria acolhera a Palavra de Deus e enviaram lá Pedro e João. 15Chegando ali, oraram pelos habitantes da Samaria, para que recebessem o Espírito Santo. 16Porque o Espírito ainda não viera sobre nenhum deles; apenas tinham recebido o batismo em nome do Senhor Jesus. 17Pedro e João impuseram-lhes as mãos, e eles receberam o Espírito Santo. – Palavra do Senhor.
Salmo Responsorial: 65(66)
Aclamai o Senhor Deus, ó terra inteira, / cantai salmos a seu nome glorioso!
1. Aclamai o Senhor Deus, ó terra inteira, / cantai salmos a seu nome glorioso, / dai a Deus a mais sublime louvação! / Dizei a Deus: “Como são grandes vossas obras! – R.
2. Toda a terra vos adore com respeito / e proclame o louvor de vosso nome!” / Vinde ver todas as obras do Senhor: / seus prodígios estupendos entre os homens! – R.
3. O mar ele mudou em terra firme, / e passaram pelo rio a pé enxuto. / Exultemos de alegria no Senhor! / Ele domina para sempre com poder! – R.
4. Todos vós que a Deus temeis, vinde escutar: / vou contar-vos todo bem que ele me fez! / Bendito seja o Senhor Deus, que me escutou, † não rejeitou minha oração e meu clamor / nem afastou longe de mim o seu amor! – R.
Segunda Leitura: 1 Pedro 3,15-18
Leitura da primeira carta de São Pedro – Caríssimos, 15santificai em vossos corações o Senhor Jesus Cristo e estai sempre prontos a dar razão da vossa esperança a todo aquele que vo-la pedir. 16Fazei-o, porém, com mansidão e respeito e com boa consciência. Então, se em alguma coisa fordes difamados, ficarão com vergonha aqueles que ultrajam o vosso bom procedimento em Cristo. 17Pois será melhor sofrer praticando o bem, se essa for a vontade de Deus, do que praticando o mal. 18Com efeito, também Cristo morreu, uma vez por todas, por causa dos pecados, o justo pelos injustos, a fim de nos conduzir a Deus. Sofreu a morte na sua existência humana, mas recebeu nova vida pelo Espírito. – Palavra do Senhor.
Leitura opcional: 1 Pedro 4,13-16.
Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo João – Naquele tempo, disse Jesus a seus discípulos: 15“Se me amais, guardareis os meus mandamentos, 16e eu rogarei ao Pai, e ele vos dará um outro Defensor, para que permaneça sempre convosco: 17o Espírito da verdade, que o mundo não é capaz de receber, porque não o vê nem o conhece. Vós o conheceis, porque ele permanece junto de vós e estará dentro de vós. 18Não vos deixarei órfãos. Eu virei a vós. 19Pouco tempo ainda, e o mundo não mais me verá, mas vós me vereis, porque eu vivo e vós vivereis. 20Naquele dia sabereis que eu estou no meu Pai e vós em mim e eu em vós. 21Quem acolheu os meus mandamentos e os observa, esse me ama. Ora, quem me ama será amado por meu Pai, e eu o amarei e me manifestarei a ele”. – Palavra da salvação.
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você e sua família, diga: Abençoa-nos, Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que vivamos sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
Readings 🇺🇸
Whoever welcomes my commandments and observes them, he loves me.
First Reading: Acts 8,5-8.14-17
Reading of the Acts of the Apostles - In those days, 5 Philip went down to a city of Samaria and announced the Christ to them. 6 The crowds listened attentively to what Philip was saying. And all unanimously listened to him, for they saw the miracles he performed. 7 Evil spirits came out of many who were possessed, with loud cries. Numerous paralytics and cripples were also healed. 8 There was great joy in that city. 14 When the apostles who were in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John there. 15 Arriving there, they prayed for the inhabitants of Samaria, that they might receive the Holy Spirit. 16For the Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; they had only received baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 65(66)
Acclaim the Lord God, O whole earth, / sing psalms to his glorious name!
1. Acclaim the Lord God, O whole earth, / sing psalms to his glorious name, / give God the most sublime praise! / Say to God: “How great your works are! – R.
2. All the earth worship you with respect / and proclaim the praise of your name!” / Come and see all the works of the Lord: / his stupendous wonders among men! – R.
3. The sea he changed into dry land, / and they crossed the river on dry foot. / Let us rejoice in the Lord! / He rules forever with power! – R.
4. All of you who fear God, come and listen: / I will tell you all the good he did to me! / Blessed be the Lord God, who heard me, † he did not reject my prayer and my cry / nor did he distance his love from me! – R.
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:15-18
Reading of the first letter of Saint Peter - Dearly beloved, 15 sanctify the Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts and always be ready to give reason for your hope to everyone who asks you for it. 16 But do this with gentleness and reverence and with a good conscience. So if you are reproached in anything, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame. 17For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is the will of God, than for doing evil. 18 Indeed, Christ also died once for all for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to bring us to God. He suffered death in his human existence, but was given new life by the Spirit. - Word of the Lord.
Optional Reading: 1 Peter 4:13-16.
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John – At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: 15 “If you love me, keep my commandments, 16 and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, so that he may always remain with you: 17o Spirit of truth, which the world is not able to receive, because it neither sees nor knows him. You know him, because he remains with you and will be within you. 18 I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while, and the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live. 20 On that day you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you. 21 Whoever welcomes my commandments and observes them, he loves me. Now whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” - Word of salvation.
Tracing the sign of the cross on you and your family, say: Bless us, Lord God who is † Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we may always live in Your love and doing only good to all. Amen!
Letture 🇮🇹
Whoever welcomes my commandments and observes them, he loves me.
First Reading: Acts 8,5-8.14-17
Reading of the Acts of the Apostles - In those days, 5 Philip went down to a city of Samaria and announced the Christ to them. 6 The crowds listened attentively to what Philip was saying. And all unanimously listened to him, for they saw the miracles he performed. 7 Evil spirits came out of many who were possessed, with loud cries. Numerous paralytics and cripples were also healed. 8 There was great joy in that city. 14 When the apostles who were in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John there. 15 Arriving there, they prayed for the inhabitants of Samaria, that they might receive the Holy Spirit. 16For the Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; they had only received baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 65(66)
Acclaim the Lord God, O whole earth, / sing psalms to his glorious name!
1. Acclaim the Lord God, O whole earth, / sing psalms to his glorious name, / give God the most sublime praise! / Say to God: “How great your works are! – R.
2. All the earth worship you with respect / and proclaim the praise of your name!” / Come and see all the works of the Lord: / his stupendous wonders among men! – R.
3. The sea he changed into dry land, / and they crossed the river on dry foot. / Let us rejoice in the Lord! / He rules forever with power! – R.
4. All of you who fear God, come and listen: / I will tell you all the good he did to me! / Blessed be the Lord God, who heard me, † he did not reject my prayer and my cry / nor did he distance his love from me! – R.
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:15-18
Reading of the first letter of Saint Peter - Dearly beloved, 15 sanctify the Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts and always be ready to give reason for your hope to everyone who asks you for it. 16 But do this with gentleness and reverence and with a good conscience. So if you are reproached in anything, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame. 17For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is the will of God, than for doing evil. 18 Indeed, Christ also died once for all for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to bring us to God. He suffered death in his human existence, but was given new life by the Spirit. - Word of the Lord.
Optional Reading: 1 Peter 4:13-16.
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John – At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: 15 “If you love me, keep my commandments, 16 and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, so that he may always remain with you: 17o Spirit of truth, which the world is not able to receive, because it neither sees nor knows him. You know him, because he remains with you and will be within you. 18 I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while, and the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live. 20 On that day you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you. 21 Whoever welcomes my commandments and observes them, he loves me. Now whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” - Word of salvation.
Tracciando il segno della croce su di te e sulla tua famiglia, dì: Benedicici, Signore Dio che è † Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, affinché viviamo sempre nel tuo amore e facendo solo del bene a tutti. Amen!
Lecturas 🇪🇸
Quien acoge mis mandamientos y los observa, me ama.
Primera Lectura: Hechos 8,5-8.14-17
Lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles - En aquellos días, 5 Felipe descendió a una ciudad de Samaria y les anunció a Cristo. 6 La multitud escuchaba atentamente lo que decía Felipe. Y todos unánimemente lo escucharon, porque vieron los milagros que hizo. 7 De muchos endemoniados salían espíritus malignos, con grandes gritos. Numerosos paralíticos y lisiados también fueron sanados. 8 Hubo gran alegría en aquella ciudad. 14 Cuando los apóstoles que estaban en Jerusalén oyeron que Samaria había recibido la palabra de Dios, enviaron allí a Pedro y a Juan. 15 Llegados allí, oraron por los habitantes de Samaria, para que recibieran el Espíritu Santo. 16Porque aún no había venido el Espíritu sobre ninguno de ellos; solo habían recibido el bautismo en el nombre del Señor Jesús. 17Pedro y Juan les impusieron las manos, y recibieron el Espíritu Santo. - Palabra del Señor.
Salmo responsorial: 65(66)
¡Aclamad al Señor Dios, oh tierra entera, / cantad salmos a su glorioso nombre!
1. ¡Aclamad al Señor Dios, oh tierra entera, / cantad salmos a su glorioso nombre, / dad a Dios la más sublime alabanza! / Di a Dios: “¡Cuán grandes son tus obras! – r
2. ¡Toda la tierra te adora con respeto / y proclama la alabanza de tu nombre!” / ¡Venid y ved todas las obras del Señor: / sus maravillosas maravillas entre los hombres! – r
3. Cambió el mar en tierra seca, / y cruzaron el río a pie seco. / ¡Alegrémonos en el Señor! / ¡Él gobierna para siempre con poder! – r
4. Todos los que teméis a Dios, venid y escuchad: / ¡Os contaré todo el bien que me hizo! / ¡Bendito sea el Señor Dios, que me escuchó, † no rechazó mi oración y mi clamor / ni apartó de mí su amor! – r
Segunda Lectura: 1 Pedro 3:15-18
Lectura de la primera carta de san Pedro - Queridísimos, 15 santificad al Señor Jesucristo en vuestros corazones y estad siempre preparados para dar razón de vuestra esperanza a todo el que os la pida. 16 Pero haced esto con mansedumbre y reverencia y con buena conciencia. Así que, si en algo sois vituperados, los que denigran vuestra buena conducta en Cristo serán avergonzados. 17Porque mejor es sufrir por hacer el bien, si esa es la voluntad de Dios, que por hacer el mal. 18Ciertamente, también Cristo murió una vez por todas por los pecados, el justo por los injustos, para llevarnos a Dios. Padeció la muerte en su existencia humana, pero el Espíritu le dio nueva vida. - Palabra del Señor.
Lectura opcional: 1 Pedro 4:13-16.
Proclamación del Evangelio de Jesucristo según Juan – En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: 15 “Si me amáis, guardad mis mandamientos, 16 y yo rogaré al Padre, y os dará otro Abogado, para que él permanezca siempre con vosotros: 17o Espíritu de verdad, que el mundo no puede recibir, porque no le ve ni le conoce. Lo conocéis, porque permanece con vosotros y estará dentro de vosotros. 18 No os dejaré huérfanos. Vendré a ti. 19 Aún un poquito, y el mundo no me verá más, pero vosotros me veréis, porque yo vivo y vosotros viviréis. 20 En aquel día sabréis que yo estoy en mi Padre y vosotros en mí y yo en vosotros. 21 El que acoge mis mandamientos y los observa, me ama. Ahora bien, el que me ama será amado por mi Padre, y yo lo amaré y me manifestaré a él”. - Palabra de salvación.
Trazando la señal de la cruz sobre ti y tu familia, di: Bendícenos, Señor Dios que es † Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, para que vivamos siempre en Tu amor y haciendo sólo el bien a todos. ¡Amén!
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