(verde – ofício do dia)
Deus habita em seu templo santo, reúne seus filhos em sua casa; é ele que dá força e poder a seu povo (Sl 67,6s.36).
Primeira Leitura: Jeremias 26,11-16.24
Leitura do livro do profeta Jeremias – Naqueles dias, 11os sacerdotes e profetas dirigiram-se aos chefes e a todo o povo, dizendo: “Este homem foi julgado réu de morte, porque profetizou contra esta cidade, como ouvistes com vossos ouvidos”. 12Disse Jeremias aos dignitários e a todo o povo: “O Senhor incumbiu-me de profetizar para esta casa e para esta cidade através de todas as palavras que ouvistes. 13Agora, portanto, tratai de emendar a vossa vida e as obras, ouvi a voz do Senhor, vosso Deus, que ele voltará atrás da decisão que tomou contra vós. 14Eu estou aqui, em vossas mãos; fazei de mim o que vos parecer conveniente e justo, 15mas ficai sabendo que, se me derdes a morte, tereis derramado sangue inocente contra vós mesmos e contra esta cidade e seus habitantes, pois em verdade o Senhor enviou-me a vós para falar tudo isso a vossos ouvidos”. 16Os chefes e o povo em geral disseram aos sacerdotes e profetas: “Este homem não merece ser condenado à morte; ele falou-nos em nome do Senhor, nosso Deus”. 24Jeremias passou a ter proteção de Aicam, filho de Safã, para não cair nas mãos do povo e evitar ser morto. – Palavra do Senhor.
Salmo Responsorial: 68(69)
No tempo favorável, escutai-me, ó Senhor!
1. Retirai-me deste lodo, pois me afundo! † Libertai-me, ó Senhor, dos que me odeiam / e salvai-me destas águas tão profundas! / Que as águas turbulentas não me arrastem, † não me devorem violentos turbilhões, / nem a cova feche a boca sobre mim! – R.
2. Pobre de mim, sou infeliz e sofredor! / Que vosso auxílio me levante, Senhor Deus! / Cantando, eu louvarei o vosso nome / e, agradecido, exultarei de alegria! – R.
3. Humildes, vede isto e alegrai-vos: † o vosso coração reviverá / se procurardes o Senhor continuamente! / Pois nosso Deus atende à prece dos seus pobres / e não despreza o clamor de seus cativos. – R.
Evangelho: Mateus 14,1-12
Aleluia, aleluia, aleluia. Felizes os que são perseguidos por causa da justiça do Senhor, / porque o Reino dos céus há de ser deles! (Mt 5,10) – R.
Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo Mateus – 1Naquele tempo, a fama de Jesus chegou aos ouvidos do governador Herodes. 2Ele disse a seus servidores: “É João Batista, que ressuscitou dos mortos; e, por isso, os poderes miraculosos atuam nele”. 3De fato, Herodes tinha mandado prender João, amarrá-lo e colocá-lo na prisão, por causa de Herodíades, a mulher de seu irmão Filipe. 4Pois João tinha dito a Herodes: “Não te é permitido tê-la como esposa”. 5Herodes queria matar João, mas tinha medo do povo, que o considerava como profeta. 6Por ocasião do aniversário de Herodes, a filha de Herodíades dançou diante de todos e agradou tanto a Herodes, 7que ele prometeu, com juramento, dar a ela tudo o que pedisse. 8Instigada pela mãe, ela disse: “Dá-me aqui, num prato, a cabeça de João Batista”. 9O rei ficou triste, mas, por causa do juramento diante dos convidados, ordenou que atendessem o pedido dela. 10E mandou cortar a cabeça de João no cárcere. 11Depois a cabeça foi trazida num prato, entregue à moça, e esta a levou para a sua mãe. 12Os discípulos de João foram buscar o corpo e o enterraram. Depois foram contar tudo a Jesus. – Palavra da salvação.
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você e sua família, diga: Abençoa-nos, Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que eu vivamos sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
(green – craft of the day)
God dwells in his holy temple, gathers his children into his house; it is he who gives strength and power to his people (Ps 67,6s.36).
First Reading: Jeremiah 26:11-16:24
Reading from the book of the prophet Jeremiah - In those days, 11 the priests and prophets addressed the leaders and all the people, saying, "This man has been condemned to death, because he prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your ears." 12 Jeremiah said to the officials and to all the people, “The Lord has given me to prophesy for this house and for this city by all the words you have heard. 13Now therefore, seek to amend your life and works, hear the voice of the Lord your God, that he will turn back from the decision he made against you. 14I am here, in your hands; do with me what seems good and just to you, 15but know that if you put me to death, you will have shed innocent blood against yourselves and against this city and its inhabitants, for truly the Lord has sent me to you to speak everything. this in your ears.” 16The leaders and the people in general said to the priests and prophets, “This man does not deserve to be put to death; he spoke to us in the name of the Lord our God.” 24Jeremiah was protected by Ahikam the son of Shaphan, so that he would not fall into the hands of the people and avoid being killed. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 68(69)
In the favorable time, hear me, O Lord!
1. Take me out of this mire, for I sink! † Deliver me, O Lord, from those who hate me / and save me from these waters so deep! / Let not the turbulent waters sweep me away, † let not violent whirlwinds devour me, / let not the pit close its mouth over me! - R.
2. Poor me, I am unhappy and suffering! / May your help lift me up, Lord God! / Singing, I will praise your name / and, grateful, I will exult with joy! - R.
3. Humble ones, see this and rejoice: † your heart will revive / if you seek the Lord continually! / For our God hears the prayer of his poor / and does not despise the cry of his captives. - R.
Gospel: Matthew 14:1-12
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Happy are those who are persecuted for the sake of the Lord's righteousness, / for the kingdom of heaven will be theirs! (Mt 5,10) - R.
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew - 1 At that time, the fame of Jesus reached the ears of the governor Herod. 2He said to his servants, “It is John the Baptist, who has been raised from the dead; and therefore miraculous powers work in him.” 3For Herod had John arrested, bound and put in prison, because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife. 4For John had said to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have her as a wife." 5Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, who considered him a prophet. 6 On the occasion of Herod's birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced before everyone and pleased Herod so much, 7 that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. 8 At her mother's instigation, she said, "Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a plate." 9The king was sad, but because of the oath before the guests, he ordered them to grant her request. 10And he had John's head cut off in prison. 11Then the head was brought on a platter, given to the girl, and she took it to her mother. 12 John's disciples went to get the body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus everything. – Word of salvation.
Tracing the sign of the cross on you and your family, say: Bless us, Lord God who is † Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we may always live in Your love and doing only good to all. Amen!
(green – craft of the day)
God dwells in his holy temple, gathers his children into his house; it is he who gives strength and power to his people (Ps 67,6s.36).
First Reading: Jeremiah 26:11-16:24
Reading from the book of the prophet Jeremiah - In those days, 11 the priests and prophets addressed the leaders and all the people, saying, "This man has been condemned to death, because he prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your ears." 12 Jeremiah said to the officials and to all the people, “The Lord has given me to prophesy for this house and for this city by all the words you have heard. 13Now therefore, seek to amend your life and works, hear the voice of the Lord your God, that he will turn back from the decision he made against you. 14I am here, in your hands; do with me what seems good and just to you, 15but know that if you put me to death, you will have shed innocent blood against yourselves and against this city and its inhabitants, for truly the Lord has sent me to you to speak everything. this in your ears.” 16The leaders and the people in general said to the priests and prophets, “This man does not deserve to be put to death; he spoke to us in the name of the Lord our God.” 24Jeremiah was protected by Ahikam the son of Shaphan, so that he would not fall into the hands of the people and avoid being killed. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 68(69)
In the favorable time, hear me, O Lord!
1. Take me out of this mire, for I sink! † Deliver me, O Lord, from those who hate me / and save me from these waters so deep! / Let not the turbulent waters sweep me away, † let not violent whirlwinds devour me, / let not the pit close its mouth over me! - R.
2. Poor me, I am unhappy and suffering! / May your help lift me up, Lord God! / Singing, I will praise your name / and, grateful, I will exult with joy! - R.
3. Humble ones, see this and rejoice: † your heart will revive / if you seek the Lord continually! / For our God hears the prayer of his poor / and does not despise the cry of his captives. - R.
Gospel: Matthew 14:1-12
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Happy are those who are persecuted for the sake of the Lord's righteousness, / for the kingdom of heaven will be theirs! (Mt 5,10) - R.
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew - 1 At that time, the fame of Jesus reached the ears of the governor Herod. 2He said to his servants, “It is John the Baptist, who has been raised from the dead; and therefore miraculous powers work in him.” 3For Herod had John arrested, bound and put in prison, because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife. 4For John had said to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have her as a wife." 5Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, who considered him a prophet. 6 On the occasion of Herod's birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced before everyone and pleased Herod so much, 7 that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. 8 At her mother's instigation, she said, "Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a plate." 9The king was sad, but because of the oath before the guests, he ordered them to grant her request. 10And he had John's head cut off in prison. 11Then the head was brought on a platter, given to the girl, and she took it to her mother. 12 John's disciples went to get the body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus everything. – Word of salvation.
Tracciando il segno della croce su di te e sulla tua famiglia, dì: Benedicici, Signore Dio che è † Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, affinché viviamo sempre nel tuo amore e facendo solo del bene a tutti. Amen!
(verde – artesanía del día)
Dios habita en su santo templo, reúne a sus hijos en su casa; es él quien da la fuerza y el poder a su pueblo (Sal 67,6s.36).
Primera Lectura: Jeremías 26:11-16:24
Lectura del libro del profeta Jeremías - En aquellos días, 11 los sacerdotes y los profetas se dirigieron a los líderes y a todo el pueblo, diciendo: "Este hombre ha sido condenado a muerte, porque profetizó contra esta ciudad, como habéis oído con vuestro orejas." 12 Jeremías dijo a los oficiales y a todo el pueblo: “El Señor me ha dado para profetizar sobre esta casa y sobre esta ciudad con todas las palabras que habéis oído. 13 Ahora pues, procurad enmendar vuestra vida y vuestras obras, escuchad la voz de Jehová vuestro Dios, que se volverá de la decisión que tomó contra vosotros. 14Aquí estoy, en tus manos; hagan conmigo lo que les parezca bueno y justo, 15 pero sepan que si me dan muerte, sangre inocente habrán derramado contra ustedes y contra esta ciudad y sus habitantes, porque en verdad el Señor me ha enviado a ustedes para hablar todo. esto en tus oídos.” 16Los líderes y el pueblo en general dijeron a los sacerdotes y profetas: “Este hombre no merece ser muerto; él nos habló en el nombre del Señor nuestro Dios.” 24 Jeremías fue protegido por Ahicam, hijo de Safán, para que no cayera en manos del pueblo y evitara que lo mataran. - Palabra del Señor.
Salmo responsorial: 68(69)
En el tiempo favorable, ¡escúchame, oh Señor!
1. ¡Sácame de este lodazal, que me hundo! † ¡Líbrame, oh Señor, de los que me odian / y sálvame de estas aguas tan profundas! / ¡Que no me arrastren las aguas turbulentas, † que no me devoren violentos torbellinos, / que el pozo no cierre su boca sobre mí! - r
2. ¡Pobre de mí, soy infeliz y sufro! / ¡Que tu ayuda me levante, Señor Dios! / Cantando, alabaré tu nombre / y, agradecido, ¡exultaré de alegría! - r
3. Humildes, mirad esto y alegraos: † vuestro corazón revivirá / si buscáis continuamente al Señor! / Porque nuestro Dios escucha la oración de sus pobres / y no desprecia el clamor de sus cautivos. - r
Evangelio: Mateo 14:1-12
Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya. ¡Dichosos los perseguidos por la justicia del Señor, / porque de ellos será el reino de los cielos! (Mt 5,10) - R.
Proclamación del Evangelio de Jesucristo según Mateo - 1 En aquel tiempo, la fama de Jesús llegó a oídos del gobernador Herodes. 2Él dijo a sus siervos: “Es Juan el Bautista, que ha resucitado de entre los muertos; y por lo tanto, poderes milagrosos obran en él.” 3Porque Herodes hizo arrestar, atar y encarcelar a Juan, a causa de Herodías, la mujer de Felipe su hermano. 4Porque Juan había dicho a Herodes: "No te es lícito tenerla por mujer". 5Herodes quería matar a Juan, pero tenía miedo de la gente, que lo consideraba un profeta. 6 Con motivo del cumpleaños de Herodes, la hija de Herodías bailó delante de todos y agradó tanto a Herodes, 7 que prometió con juramento darle todo lo que ella pidiera. 8 A instancias de su madre, ella dijo: "Dame la cabeza de Juan el Bautista aquí en un plato". 9El rey estaba triste, pero debido al juramento ante los invitados, les ordenó que le concedieran su pedido. 10E hizo cortar la cabeza de Juan en la cárcel. 11Luego trajeron la cabeza en un plato, se la dieron a la niña, y ella se la llevó a su madre. 12 Los discípulos de Juan fueron a buscar el cuerpo y lo enterraron. Entonces fueron y le contaron todo a Jesús. – Palabra de salvación.
Trazando la señal de la cruz sobre ti y tu familia, di: Bendícenos, Señor Dios que es † Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, para que vivamos siempre en Tu amor y haciendo sólo el bien a todos. ¡Amén!
Trazando la señal de la cruz sobre ti y tu familia, di: Bendícenos, Señor Dios que es † Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, para que vivamos siempre en Tu amor y haciendo sólo el bien a todos. ¡Amén!
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