Impostômetro (desde 01/01/2022)


🇧🇷Leituras 17/01 - Deus lhe abençoe. 🇮🇹Letture 17/01 - Dio ti benedica. 🇪🇸Lecturas 17/01 - Dios te bendiga. 🇺🇸Readings 01/17 - God bless you.


Leituras 🇧🇷
“Estende a mão”. Ele a estendeu, e a mão ficou curada. 

Primeira Leitura: 1 Samuel 17,32-33.37.40-51
Leitura do primeiro livro de Samuel – Naqueles dias, 32Davi foi conduzido a Saul e lhe disse: “Ninguém desanime por causa desse filisteu! Eu, teu servo, lutarei contra ele”. 33Mas Saul ponderou: “Não poderás enfrentar esse filisteu, pois tu és só ainda um jovem e ele é um homem de guerra desde a sua mocidade”. 37Davi respondeu: “O Senhor me livrou das garras do leão e das garras do urso. Ele me salvará também das mãos desse filisteu”. Então Saul disse a Davi: “Vai, e que o Senhor esteja contigo”. 40Em seguida, tomou o seu cajado, escolheu no regato cinco pedras bem lisas e colocou-as no seu alforje de pastor, que lhe servia de bolsa para guardar pedras. Depois, com a sua funda na mão, avançou contra o filisteu. 41Este, que se vinha aproximando mais e mais, precedido do seu escudeiro, 42quando pôde ver bem Davi, desprezou-o, porque era muito jovem, ruivo e de bela aparência. 43E lhe disse: “Sou por acaso um cão, para vires a mim com um cajado?” E o filisteu amaldiçoou Davi em nome de seus deuses. 44E acrescentou: “Vem, e eu darei a tua carne às aves do céu e aos animais da terra!” 45Davi respondeu: “Tu vens a mim com espada, lança e escudo; eu, porém, vou a ti em nome do Senhor todo-poderoso, o Deus dos exércitos de Israel, que tu insultaste! 46Hoje mesmo o Senhor te entregará em minhas mãos, e te abaterei e te cortarei a cabeça, e darei o teu cadáver e os cadáveres do exército dos filisteus às aves do céu e aos animais da terra, para que toda a terra saiba que há um Deus em Israel. 47E toda esta multidão de homens conhecerá que não é pela espada nem pela lança que o Senhor concede a vitória; porque o Senhor é o árbitro da guerra, e ele vos entregará em nossas mãos”. 48Logo que o filisteu avançou e marchou em direção a Davi, este saiu das linhas de formação e correu ao encontro do filisteu. 49Davi meteu, então, a mão no alforje, apanhou uma pedra e arremessou-a com a funda, atingindo o filisteu na fronte com tanta força, que a pedra se encravou na sua testa e o gigante tombou com o rosto em terra. 50E assim Davi venceu o filisteu, ferindo-o de morte com uma funda e uma pedra. E, como não tinha espada na mão, 51correu para o filisteu, chegou junto dele, arrancou-lhe a espada da bainha e acabou de matá-lo, cortando-lhe a cabeça. Vendo morto o seu guerreiro mais valente, os filisteus fugiram. – Palavra do Senhor.

Salmo Responsorial: 143(144)
Bendito seja o Senhor, meu rochedo!
1. Bendito seja o Senhor, meu rochedo, † que adestrou minhas mãos para a luta / e os meus dedos treinou para a guerra! – R.
2. Ele é meu amor, meu refúgio, / libertador, fortaleza e abrigo; / é meu escudo: é nele que espero, / ele submete as nações a meus pés. – R.
3. Um canto novo, meu Deus, vou cantar-vos, / nas dez cordas da harpa louvar-vos, / a vós que dais a vitória aos reis / e salvais vosso servo Davi. – R.

Evangelho: Marcos 3,1-6
Proclamação do santo Evangelho segundo Marcos – Naquele tempo, 1Jesus entrou de novo na sinagoga. Havia ali um homem com a mão seca. 2Alguns o observavam para ver se haveria de curar em dia de sábado, para poderem acusá-lo. 3Jesus disse ao homem da mão seca: “Levanta-te e fica aqui no meio!” 4E perguntou-lhes: “É permitido no sábado fazer o bem ou fazer o mal? Salvar uma vida ou deixá-la morrer?” Mas eles nada disseram. 5Jesus, então, olhou ao seu redor cheio de ira e tristeza, porque eram duros de coração, e disse ao homem: “Estende a mão”. Ele a estendeu, e a mão ficou curada. 6Ao saírem, os fariseus com os partidários de Herodes imediatamente tramaram, contra Jesus, a maneira como haveriam de matá-lo. – Palavra da salvação.

Traçando o sinal da cruz em você e sua família, diga: Abençoe-nos, Senhor Deus que é †Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que possamos viver sempre em Seu amor e fazendo apenas o bem a todos. Amém! 

Letture 🇮🇹
“Extend your hand.” He stretched it out to her, and her hand was healed.

First Reading: 1 Samuel 17,32-33,37,40-51
Reading from the first book of Samuel – In those days, 32David was taken to Saul and said to him: “Let no one be discouraged because of this Philistine! I, your servant, will fight against him.” 33But Saul said, “You will not be able to face this Philistine, for you are only a young man and he has been a man of war since his youth.” 37David replied, “The Lord delivered me from the claws of the lion and from the claws of the bear. He will also save me from the hands of this Philistine.” Then Saul said to David, “Go, and may the Lord be with you.” 40Then he took his staff, chose five smooth stones from the stream and placed them in his shepherd's bag, which served as a pouch for storing stones. Then, with his sling in his hand, he charged at the Philistine. 41This man, who was coming closer and closer, preceded by his armor-bearer, 42when he got a good look at David, he despised him, because he was very young, red-haired and had a beautiful appearance. 43And he said to him, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with a staff?” And the Philistine cursed David in the name of his gods. 44And he added, “Come, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the earth!” 45David replied, “You come to me with sword, spear and shield; But I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have insulted! 46Today the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I will slaughter you and cut off your head, and I will give your corpse and the corpses of the army of the Philistines to the birds of the sky and to the beasts of the earth, so that the whole earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47And all this multitude of men will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord gives victory; for the Lord is the referee of war, and he will deliver you into our hands.” 48As soon as the Philistine advanced and marched toward David, he left the formation lines and ran to meet the Philistine. 49David then reached into his saddlebag, picked up a stone and threw it with his sling, hitting the Philistine in the forehead with such force that the stone embedded itself in his forehead and the giant fell face down on the ground. 50And so David defeated the Philistine, striking him to death with a sling and a stone. And since he had no sword in his hand, he 51ran to the Philistine, came to him, took his sword from his sheath and finished killing him, cutting off his head. Seeing their bravest warrior dead, the Philistines fled. - Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm: 143(144)
Blessed be the Lord, my rock!
1. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, † who trained my hands to fight / and trained my fingers to war! – R.
2. He is my love, my refuge, / liberator, strength and shelter; / is my shield: it is in him that I hope, / he subdues the nations under my feet. – R.
3. A new song, my God, I will sing to you, / on the ten strings of the harp to praise you, / to you who give victory to kings / and save your servant David. – R.

Gospel: Mark 3,1-6
Proclamation of the holy Gospel according to Mark – At that time, 1Jesus entered the synagogue again. There was a man there with a dry hand. 2Some were watching him to see if he would heal on the Sabbath, so they could accuse him. 3Jesus said to the man with the dry hand, “Get up and stand here!” 4And he asked them, “Is it permitted on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil? Save a life or let it die?” But they said nothing. 5Jesus then looked around him, full of anger and sadness, because they were hard of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was healed. 6When they left, the Pharisees and Herod's supporters immediately plotted against Jesus how they would kill him. – Word of salvation.

Tracciando il segno della croce su di te e sulla tua famiglia, dì: Benedicici, Signore Dio che è † Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, affinché viviamo sempre nel tuo amore e facendo solo del bene a tutti. Amen!

Lecturas 🇪🇸
"Extiende tu mano". La extendió y la mano quedó sana.

Primera Lectura: 1 Samuel 17,32-33,37,40-51
Lectura del primer libro de Samuel – En aquellos días, 32David fue llevado a Saúl y le dijo: “¡Nadie se desanime a causa de este filisteo! Yo, tu siervo, pelearé contra él”. 33Pero Saúl dijo: “No podrás enfrentarte a este filisteo, porque tú eres sólo un joven y él ha sido un hombre de guerra desde su juventud”. 37David respondió: “El Señor me libró de las garras del león y de las garras del oso. Él también me salvará de manos de este filisteo”. Entonces Saúl dijo a David: Ve, y que el Señor esté contigo. 40 Luego tomó su cayado, escogió cinco piedras lisas del arroyo y las puso en su bolsa de pastor, que le servía de bolsa para guardar las piedras. Luego, con su honda en la mano, avanzó contra el filisteo. 41Este hombre, que se acercaba cada vez más, precedido de su escudero, 42cuando vio bien a David, lo despreció, porque era muy joven, pelirrojo y de hermosa apariencia. 43Y él le dijo: ¿Soy un perro para que vengas a mí con un bastón? Y el filisteo maldijo a David en nombre de sus dioses. 44Y añadió: Venid, y daré vuestra carne a las aves del cielo y a las bestias de la tierra. 45David respondió: «Tú vienes a mí con espada, lanza y escudo; ¡Pero yo vengo a vosotros en el nombre del Señor Todopoderoso, Dios de los ejércitos de Israel, a quienes habéis insultado! 46Hoy el Señor te entregará en mis manos, y te mataré y te cortaré la cabeza, y daré tu cadáver y los cadáveres del ejército de los filisteos a las aves del cielo y a las bestias de la tierra, para que toda la tierra sepa que hay un Dios en Israel. 47Y sabrá toda esta multitud de hombres que no es con espada ni con lanza como el Señor da la victoria; porque el Señor es el árbitro de la guerra, y él os entregará en nuestras manos”. 48Tan pronto como el filisteo avanzó y marchó hacia David, éste abandonó las líneas de formación y corrió al encuentro del filisteo. 49 Entonces David metió la mano en su alforja, tomó una piedra y la arrojó con su honda, golpeando al filisteo en la frente con tal fuerza que la piedra se incrustó en su frente y el gigante cayó boca abajo en el suelo. 50Y así David derrotó al filisteo, hiriéndolo con una honda y una piedra hasta matarlo. Y como no tenía espada en la mano, 51 corrió hacia el filisteo, vino a él, desenvainó la espada y acabó de matarlo, cortándole la cabeza. Al ver muerto a su guerrero más valiente, los filisteos huyeron. - Palabra del Señor.

Salmo responsorial: 143(144)
¡Bendito sea el Señor, mi roca!
1. ¡Bendito sea el Señor, mi roca, † que entrenó mis manos para la guerra/ y entrenó mis dedos para la guerra! – r.
2. Él es mi amor, mi refugio, / libertador, fortaleza y amparo; / es mi escudo: en él es en quien espero, / él somete las naciones bajo mis pies. – r.
3. Un cántico nuevo, Dios mío, te cantaré, / con las diez cuerdas del arpa, para alabarte, / a ti que das la victoria a los reyes / y salvas a tu siervo David. – r.

Evangelio: Marcos 3,1-6
Proclamación del santo Evangelio según Marcos – En aquel tiempo, Jesús entró de nuevo en la sinagoga. Allí había un hombre con la mano seca. 2 Algunos estaban acechándolo para ver si sanaría en sábado, para poder acusarlo. 3Jesús dijo al hombre de la mano seca: "¡Levántate y ponte aquí!". 4Y les preguntó: ¿Está permitido en sábado hacer el bien o el mal? ¿Salvar una vida o dejarla morir? Pero no dijeron nada. 5 Jesús entonces miró a su alrededor, lleno de ira y de tristeza, porque eran duros de corazón, y dijo al hombre: "Extiende tu mano". La extendió y la mano quedó sana. 6Cuando se fueron, los fariseos y los partidarios de Herodes inmediatamente tramaron contra Jesús cómo matarlo. – Palabra de salvación.

Trazando la señal de la cruz sobre ti y tu familia, di: Bendícenos, Señor Dios que es † Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, para que vivamos siempre en Tu amor y haciendo sólo el bien a todos. ¡Amén! 

Readings 🇺🇸
“Extend your hand.” He stretched it out to her, and her hand was healed.

First Reading: 1 Samuel 17,32-33,37,40-51
Reading from the first book of Samuel – In those days, 32David was taken to Saul and said to him: “Let no one be discouraged because of this Philistine! I, your servant, will fight against him.” 33But Saul said, “You will not be able to face this Philistine, for you are only a young man and he has been a man of war since his youth.” 37David replied, “The Lord delivered me from the claws of the lion and from the claws of the bear. He will also save me from the hands of this Philistine.” Then Saul said to David, “Go, and may the Lord be with you.” 40Then he took his staff, chose five smooth stones from the stream and placed them in his shepherd's bag, which served as a pouch for storing stones. Then, with his sling in his hand, he charged at the Philistine. 41This man, who was coming closer and closer, preceded by his armor-bearer, 42when he got a good look at David, he despised him, because he was very young, red-haired and had a beautiful appearance. 43And he said to him, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with a staff?” And the Philistine cursed David in the name of his gods. 44And he added, “Come, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the earth!” 45David replied, “You come to me with sword, spear and shield; But I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have insulted! 46Today the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I will slaughter you and cut off your head, and I will give your corpse and the corpses of the army of the Philistines to the birds of the sky and to the beasts of the earth, so that the whole earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47And all this multitude of men will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord gives victory; for the Lord is the referee of war, and he will deliver you into our hands.” 48As soon as the Philistine advanced and marched toward David, he left the formation lines and ran to meet the Philistine. 49David then reached into his saddlebag, picked up a stone and threw it with his sling, hitting the Philistine in the forehead with such force that the stone embedded itself in his forehead and the giant fell face down on the ground. 50And so David defeated the Philistine, striking him to death with a sling and a stone. And since he had no sword in his hand, he 51ran to the Philistine, came to him, took his sword from his sheath and finished killing him, cutting off his head. Seeing their bravest warrior dead, the Philistines fled. - Word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm: 143(144)
Blessed be the Lord, my rock!
1. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, † who trained my hands to fight / and trained my fingers to war! – R.
2. He is my love, my refuge, / liberator, strength and shelter; / is my shield: it is in him that I hope, / he subdues the nations under my feet. – R.
3. A new song, my God, I will sing to you, / on the ten strings of the harp to praise you, / to you who give victory to kings / and save your servant David. – R.

Gospel: Mark 3,1-6
Proclamation of the holy Gospel according to Mark – At that time, 1Jesus entered the synagogue again. There was a man there with a dry hand. 2Some were watching him to see if he would heal on the Sabbath, so they could accuse him. 3Jesus said to the man with the dry hand, “Get up and stand here!” 4And he asked them, “Is it permitted on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil? Save a life or let it die?” But they said nothing. 5Jesus then looked around him, full of anger and sadness, because they were hard of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was healed. 6When they left, the Pharisees and Herod's supporters immediately plotted against Jesus how they would kill him. – Word of salvation.

Tracing the sign of the cross on you and your family, say: Bless us, Lord God who is † Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we may always live in Your love and doing only good to all. Amen! 

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